Tips and Tools on How to Protect Your Privacy Online

In the era of having all our work done online we basically put all the data and information out there for people to see. Although, we have privacy settings we are very much aware of daily sensations that report us about cybercrimes carried out by hackers and sometimes because of our own carelessness.
Therefore, we know that nothing is really safe online as we have enough smart criminals to crack the codes and misuse whatever information we put up on the internet.
With growing online convenience for doing anything at all our delicate information are stored on sites which can be hacked any day and create havoc in our lives. For example, we share our bank and residential details on online shopping sites putting it out there with no fear of any misuse. Almost every online portal and tool we use extracts certain amount of information from us which is unavoidable. For instance, search engines like Google have quite a lot of information about each one of us and let’s face it, Google remembers more about us than anyone does because our brains functions in a different way.
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The growing number of cybercrime has been brought to attention with number of people’s privacy being invaded. It is indeed a dangerous matter that we all have to take steps to prevent from happening because even if we see daily crimes we sure are not doing enough to prevent it from occurring.
We know that these issues are not stopping anyone of us from using the internet as it has become a major part of our lives. Hence, the responsibility lies in every individual’s hands to take measures to keep their privacy from being invaded as there has been no major security protocols regarding this matter.
Let us look at some of the tips you can use for protecting your privacy online:

Password the Most Simple Tip Yet Powerful

password protection
You may consider password for only certain things like emails and social medias accounts. But having passwords for all your devices like cell phones, laptops, tabs and also for your folders is necessary if you want complete security because we never know when it might fall into wrong hands.

Secure Your Browser

Browsing through websites can be dangerous as anyone could bee tracking your move and this would help the hackers and even advertisers to follow your bread crumbs easily.
secure your browsers
Keep your browser safe by keeping away advertisers which you can do by switching your browser and also by disabling JavaScript which will cut off the ways for marketers and hackers. Find all the possible ways to make your browsing private.

Be Virus Free

Virus is one of the easiest way to let in hackers in your system. This way they can easily steal your data and delicate information. Use antiviruses to keep your system and devices clean. There are several antiviruses that you can purchase easily and do not forget to keep updating them to stay safe and secure.

See What You Share on a Social Media Platform

Always filter the truth about your details because the social media is full if predators. Make sure that none of your confidential information is shared for the world to see and also avoid sharing any type of information to strangers online.

protect your social media

Beware of What You Install

Carefully go through every app and software that you are installing. Make sure that you are getting the software from a trusted source and check what information are being asked while installing or signing up. There are many scam apps that can hack through your data and give way to the hackers.
The best way to stay safe online is to be careful and to gain more knowledge on how to protect yourself from all the little mistakes and cracks that can let your information flow out to the wrong hands.
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