How to earn from Amazon Mechanical Turk step by step

 Amazon Mechanical Turk:

Hello guys welcome back to the blog Hacking masters in this blog we are talking about how to earn from the website "Amazon Mechanical Turk" this is a step by step tutorial. So let's get started. 

Open the website :

Then you will get this type of interface:-

Now click on "get started  button". Then you will get this type interface.

Then after click on "create worker account". And then you will land on another page just login their through you Amazon account. Then you get this interface.

Fill the form. And make sure to enter the right information. And then Click on register. Then You get this page.

Then you will get a mail from Amazon when they complete review.

That's all. like our Facebook page and follow to get latest earning tips. Pls share this blog with your friends and family members and to your social media platforms to help also them to earn.

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